Every morning for several weeks, a woodpecker has been pecking in the tree outside out patio doors.
Woodpeckers peck wood to attract mates.
Woodpeckers peck to get bitches. But this woodpecker has been pecking nonstop every morning for weeks, and I’m starting to wonder if he can’t, in fact, get any bitches. His pecking seems to be getting more aggressive. I’m sure he’s a nice woodpecker, but maybe he needs to adjust his strategies and stop putting it on the female woodpeckers. If he wants to get his wood pecked, maybe he should consider the quality of his living establishment.
Woodpeckers peck wood to establish their territory.
Is he involved in a turf war? It’s possible this incessant drumming could be a sign that his castle is under siege and this is his rallying cry. If so, I hope that someone comes to his aid soon.
Woodpeckers peck wood to find food.
Does my woodpecker have the munchies? Maybe he likes to wake and bake and then spend hours in the early spring sunshine finding juicy little snacks buried in the wood of the tree outside my office window. Honestly, that existence sounds beautiful compared to what humans are having to deal with right now.
Carry on Mr. Woodpecker, carry on.
Where to Catch Me Soon:
On Thursday March 6th, we’re doing a read through of our work in progress show with He[art]land Arts KC. Follow the heartlandartskc on Instagram to get the deets when they drop!
I’m very excited about this show and the directions we’re taking it. Getting audience feedback will be a great step in refining and finalizing the project!
The final performances will be April 3rd and 4th, so save those dates!
On Tuesday March 25, I’m going to be reading alongside my friends Melissa and Bob at Bob’s book launch at Arts on Broadway, 7 to 9 p.m.!